First of all, what I found for the ad that uses only verbal solution is from the McDonald’s, the fast food restaurant. The reason why I liked this one is that the ad looked simple and creative. Although the ad has many spaces that left as blank, the words are powerful enough to deliver the message to the audiences. They represented the McDonald’s logo “M” as the sizes, so that they also put XL, L and S. Recently the McDonald reduced the calories of meal so this ad clearly states “It’s not what you had in mind”. I think without stating logical reasons, this simple symbols of word are much better way to convince the people.

Burger King
With showing words only in print ad is fun because we can imagine the typical situation or images that we can instantly think about by looking at the ads. Here is an ad which is quite different from other print ads with verbal solutions because they made a hamburger with words. It shows the expressions relating to the great tastes. “Lecker knackig saftig frisch kross knackig scharf hochgenuss schleck wurze die likht gut geschmacksexplosion Fingerab schleck” translates in English as “Yummy crunchy juicy fresh crisp crunchy sharp pleasure lick the seasoning well likht finger licking taste explosion”

Gorilla Super Glue
This is an ad from Gorilla Super Glue. It took me for awhile to understand their message which they are trying to say. H2O and OIL are the contrast components that do not stick together. This ad is telling me that the Gorilla Super Glue is powerful glue that we join things that are opposite. I kind of liked the concept or idea, but I think this concept went beyond the reality. Glue does not only join things that are opposites but also that are normal. I have seen other ads and they had “IBM and MAC”, “Black and KKK” and etc. Visually the ad is interesting and fun, but the concept is quite difficult to match with the product.
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