Nintendo WiiSports

Outdoor advertising can be anywhere, anytime and it is for anyone. This is an outdoor ad from Nintendo WiiSports and is located at the tennis court. In the image, two tennis players are standing at the tennis court and the tagline says “Never play alone again”. This really made a strong connection with the audiences and successfully delivered message. When I saw this ad, it did not simply placed a great location, but the image in the ad, is really touching emotions that made me think of myself playing Nintendo Wii with my family and friends.
Adidas Soccer Shoe

Location is very important in outdoor advertisement because it typically reaches the few audiences, so I think it is important to research on the target audiences first and set up the location where they would place their ad. What I found for outdoor ad is from Adidas Soccer Shoe. First of all, it placed in the shopping mall where many people go for shopping with different purposes. What makes this ad so creative is that the soccer shoe’s size is big as the one automobile. I have never seen that big size of shoe in any where in the shopping mall and this is why outdoor ad is fun and excited, thinking outside of the world. Comparing the size with the car is a great way of grabbing people’s attentions.
Jamaican Braids

Also I realized though this blog post homework that the outdoor ad is not always to be projected with something gigantic poster. It can be simple and small like the ads posted on the wall. This is one example of an outdoor ad that I normally see at the bus stop. It is an ad for Jamaican braids and the image is shown the full hair braids of man. At the bottom, it typed the name and the phone number for each hair braid. This is very creative way of grabbing people’s attention. Although this ad is small and the form is probably similar as other posters, the idea is remarkable that people who do not have any interest on Jamaican Braid, would easily put their interests because of this ad.